Self Determination

Norman Barnett Tindale (b.1900–d.1993), was an anthropologist, archaeologist, entomologist, and linguist, born on Whadjuk Nation Country, of the Kaartdijin Noongar people now known as Perth, Western Australia.

“… In 1921 Tindale took leave from the museum to undertake an eighteen-month entomological collecting trip for the Church Missionary Society to Roper River and Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria.” ADB ANU

According to the same contestable “authority”;

“… During the expedition a Ngandi man, Maroadunei, had introduced Tindale to the concept of bounded tribal territories, ‘beyond which it was dangerous to move without adequate recognition’ (Tindale 1974, 3). This insight provided the germ of his commitment to producing a continental map of Aboriginal territories, challenging the conventional view of shiftless nomadism.” ADB ANU

As Djukun Elders, as Djukun people on Djukun Country, we declare our own vestige in describing ourselves, NOT how people who came onto our Country sought to and implemented their own way of describing us.

We consider the continuing colonisation through the “English” language, Western Germanic derivative of Ingvaeonic languages sweeping through the British Isles, “ … mid-5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon migrants from what is now northwest Germany, southern Denmark and the Netherlands(Britannica) through the integers and symbols of a Judaic colonialism, as responsible for these continued acts against our Country, against our people and against First Law.

We refuse this historical and contemporaneous edict which underpins the travesty and colonialism of our People ever since, as it has carved up our Country and how we are told to be under this abhorrent rule of common “Native Title” law under a Commonwealth of continued occupation.

“… Please find attached screenshots of my attempt to register the business name Djukun Heritage Society Incorporated at I've included the reference number for my application - Reference: 2212-IS-8130 - The above mentioned name appears to be “protected” ie. restricted and preventing us from our own self deteremination.

Jaala Ozies, Chairperson, Djukun Heritage Society - December 23, 2022.

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Screenshots: 22 December 2022


Recognising Fishing Rights of the Djukun


Cable Beach Foreshore Redevelopment